Health & Nutrition

Cholesterol diet, diabetes control and healthy food nutritional concept with clean fruits in heart dish with cardiologist and nutritionist monitoring conceptual idea
Nutrition & Health / Ongoing Project

Health & Nutrition

The diet is the one major change in our culture over the past century that has affected our health mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually; and negatively impacting our attitudes and behaviours. The most affected ones are the children because their organs, especially the brain are still developing and are so delicate.

Have you ever wonder why our children are so rebellious, angry and violent?

What you choose to eat daily have great consequences not only for yourself but also for a much wider society; either leading to healing or to suffering both individually and globally. Numerous studies have shown that diet and other unhealthy lifestyle are the causes of poor health. However, the body has a remarkable capacity to heal itself when healthy diet is adopted. Illnesses tend to recur if only medicine and surgery are considered without addressing the underlying causes, such as unhealthy diet.

Another important aspect of restoring personal health is to restore planetary health by having harmonious and moral relations with other living creatures and caring for the environmental health. Eating should be a holistic experience nourishing body and mind; and be at peace with mother nature.

Simple choices you make like adopting a low fat diet , plant-based food, whole food and reducing sugars and eliminating junk foods has a powerful differences in your health and well-being.

Through healthy diet you can:

  • improve learning potential
  • improve mental clarity
  •  increase IQ and EQ
  • increase physical performance
  •  improve resistance to viral and bacterial infection
  • improve quality of sleep
  • promote health and better behavior
  • prevent diseases
  •  cure many ailments

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