Innovative Therapy

Innovative Therapy / Ongoing Project

Innovative Therapy

At AISD, we deal with a wide variety of disorders using state-of-the-art technology and the latest mind/body healing techniques. Clients are attached to sophisticated computers that record what’s going on in the body. Using safe, battery-operated, electronic instruments, biofeedback and neurofeedback techniques measure and feed back subtle changes in cortical brain waves (EEG), cortical bloodflow (HEG), muscle tension (EMG), peripheral skin temperature/blood flow, skin conductance (SC), heart rate (HR), blood pulse volume (BPV) and breathing patterns. With this feedback information, patients easily gain control over these disregulated processes and the disorders or problems that are associated with them.

 The program includes:

  • Neurofeedback
  • Physiological Balancing: Techniques you can use in day-to-day life. These techniques include meditation, relaxation, the listening program etc.
  • Identifying Barriers through Inner Journey Work
  • Building Inner Resources through Mental Imagery
  • Coaching

In addition to healthy, stress-free living and restful sleep, biofeedback patients often report numerous other training benefits, as well. These include improved memory and concentration, increased energy throughout the day and evening, decreased physical symptoms, higher self-esteem, improved relations with friends, family and co-workers, and an overall improvement in health, performance and sense of well-being.

Programs are flexible, ranging from intensives lasting a week or two to weekly sessions over an extended period of time.

Clients are attended by Counselors, Nutritional Therapist, and Professional Stress Consultant. 

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